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  • 1354 Dundas St W Toronto ON M6J 1Y2 CA

At Kaplan Dental Clinic in Toronto, we offer inlays & onlays as a cosmetic option to restore your damaged tooth or teeth.

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If you think you may require an inlay or an onlay, contact Kaplan Dental Clinic in Toronto today to make a consultation appointment.

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Inlays & Onlays | Kaplan Dental Clinic

What are Inlays & Onlays?

Inlays and onlays are an indirect restoration or filling used when the teeth are too damaged to be repaired by normal dental fillings, but not damaged enough to require a dental crown.

They are constructed beforehand, outside the mouth with a special tooth coloured material such as ceramic or porcelain, to fit a specifically sized and shaped cavity.

Once the filling has been constructed, it is then cemented to the inside or outside of the tooth.

An inlay is made to fit inside the tooth whereas, in contrast, an onlay is made to fit inside the tooth but extends outside to the surface area of the tooth.

Both inlays and onlays are increasingly being constructed out of tooth coloured material to preserve the natural aesthetic appearance of the tooth.

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If left untreated, dental problems can become increasingly serious and painful. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, we'll do our best to make room in our schedule to see you. 

Our team at Kaplan Dental Clinic is here to help.

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(416) 533-4275